Who Does What
Finances/Ordering Supplies/Equipment
- Hector Arguello, Chief Financial Officer (rm #2-938 Factor; tel: 310-825-9327; e-mail: harguello@sonnet.ucla.edu)
- Willie Dawson, Finance Manager (rm #2-940 Factor; tel: 310-206-4571; e-mail: wdawson@sonnet.ucla.edu)
- Tania Perez, Purchasing Coordinator (rm #2-940 Factor; tel: 310-267-0452; e-mail: tperez@sonnet.ucla.edu)
Grants Management (reports, grant policies, grant submissions; rm #2-948 Factor)
- Michele Aranda, Contracts and Grants Manager (Tel: 310-206-7806 / e-mail: maranda@sonnet.ucla.edu)
- Artemio Marentes, Contracts and Grants Analyst ( Tel: 310-825-6440 / email: amarentes@sonnet.ucla.edu)
Personnel (hiring grant staff, telephone installation, etc.)
- Human Resources (Letitia Lynex; rm #2-654 Factor; tel: 310-825-9199; e-mail: llynex@sonnet.ucla.edu)
Technology/Computers/E-Mail/Information Technology (IT)
- Please contact Customer Care at 310-267-2273 or open a ticket in ServiceNow