Resources and Training
Office of Instructional Development (OID)
- TA Handbook and Teacher's Guide
- Resources
- EIP Test Scoring Service
- TA Training Program
- Annual campus-wide TA Conference
- UCLA Policies on Sexual Harassment
- Academic Integrity and Student Conduct (Office of the Dean of Students)
- Help for Students in Crisis
School of Nursing TA Trainings & Resources
COMPUTER ACCESS & SECURITY: TAs must complete the online Security Awareness eCourse at (click on eCourse tab). Upon completion, the certificate must be presented to IT staff (Factor 4-230) who will then set up your sonnet email account and give you access to classroom computers in Factor bulding. If you have any questions about computer access, Please contact Customer Care at 310-267-2273 or open a ticket in ServiceNow.
SKILLS LAB TRAINING: 3-hour training that orients TAs to working in the Skills Lab. Your knowledge and proficiency with all the assignments on the students' skills check list will be assessed. An overview of use of manikins and lab procedures is provided. For more information and training dates, contact Dr. Mary Ann Shinnick:
SIMULATION ESSENTIALS PART I & II: Entry-level course for those interested in using human patient simulators for nursing education. TAs are strongly encouraged to complete simulation courses since most clinical and lab courses require TAs to be SIM trained. Registration fee of $250 is waived for SON PhD students. Spaces are limited, to reserve a spot please email Dr. Shinnick:
TA ROOM: Factor 3-658 has been designated for TAs to hold office hours and meet with students. This room can be used on a first come, first served basis and cannot be reserved. If you have any trouble accessing the room, see Zoe Taylor in Factor 4-934 or email at:
BOOKS: Please check with the course instructor about getting a desk copy for the quarter (to be returned at the end of the quarter).
- iClicker User Guides
- iclicker training:
- Register or check training schedule for online interactive training
- Video tutorials
- iclicker support/ rep.: Kristin Strong, Regional Technology Specialist, Macmillan New Ventures, Cell: 949-812-1196, Fax: 714-844-9234
- For integration setup with Moodle, contact Scott Dicks, email address below
- Moodle (CCLE) resources
- Getting started, customizing your Moodle, Moodle related activities, Moodle grading, iClicker setup, etc.
- UCLA SON Moodle support: Please contact Scott Dicks ( to schedule an appointment