DGIT (Computer Hardware)
DGIT supports academic, administrative, and research areas in the Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, and Nursing. To request a quote for desktops, laptops, monitors, peripherals, printers, software, and Wi-Fi only iPads please submit the Computer Hardware/Software Order Form.
Below are the instructions provided to us to initiate a purchase with DGIT using the Service-Now Catalog's Service Request Forms. (Filling out the SON-Supply Request Form is not necessary)
- Navigate to the Mednet homepage https://mednet.uclahealth.org/
- In the center, select "Submit an IT Request" https://uclahsprod.service-now.com/it_portal?id=sc_landing
- Sign in with your Mednet Username and Password
- Select the "Computer Hardware/Software Order Form" in Service Catalog in the "Computers and Printers" section. (https://uclahs.fyi/hardware-software-order-form)
- Submit form to generate RITM request ticket.
*Please obtain any required approvals before submitting your request.
Hardware Recommendations: https://it.uclahealth.org/about/dgit/hardware-recommendations
After submitting a Service Now Ticket:
- DGIT Procurement emails Requester the quote along with purchasing instructions via ServiceNow (the email will come from UCLA Health IT Customer Support – UHITCustomerSupport@mednet.ucla.edu – with the ticket number in the subject line).
- Once Requester has reviewed the quote and has decided they want to proceed with purchasing, they forward the email along with the quote to their Fund Manager/Director for approval.
- Fund Manager/Director forwards the email with FAU to the Purchaser.
- Purchaser processes the order then replies to the original email thread (UCLA Health IT Customer Support – UHITCustomerSupport@mednet.ucla.edu) attaching the PO or order confirmation. Via an embedded reference ID in the email thread, the ticket will get updated with the purchaser’s message and attachment.
*To order an iPad with a data plan, use the Mobile Device & Paging Request form instead.
*For mobile services please inquire with UCLA-Mobile Program