DGIT supports academic, administrative, and research areas in the Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, and Nursing. To request a quote for desktops, laptops, monitors, peripherals, printers, software, and Wi-Fi only iPads please submit the Computer Hardware/Software Order Form.

Below are the instructions provided to us to initiate a purchase with DGIT using the Service-Now Catalog's Service Request Forms. (Filling out the SON-Supply Request Form is not necessary)


  1. Navigate to the Mednet homepage https://mednet.uclahealth.org/
  2. In the center, select "Submit an IT Request" https://uclahsprod.service-now.com/it_portal?id=sc_landing
  3. Sign in with your Mednet Username and Password
  4. Select the "Computer Hardware/Software Order Form" in Service Catalog in the "Computers and Printers" section. (https://uclahs.fyi/hardware-software-order-form)
  5. Submit form to generate RITM request ticket.

*Please obtain any required approvals before submitting your request.

Hardware Recommendations: https://it.uclahealth.org/about/dgit/hardware-recommendations

 After submitting a Service Now Ticket:

  1. DGIT Procurement emails Requester the quote along with purchasing instructions via ServiceNow (the email will come from UCLA Health IT Customer Support – UHITCustomerSupport@mednet.ucla.edu – with the ticket number in the subject line).
  2. Once Requester has reviewed the quote and has decided they want to proceed with purchasing, they forward the email along with the quote to their Fund Manager/Director for approval.
  3. Fund Manager/Director forwards the email with FAU to the Purchaser. 
  4. Purchaser processes the order then replies to the original email thread (UCLA Health IT Customer Support – UHITCustomerSupport@mednet.ucla.edu) attaching the PO or order confirmation. Via an embedded reference ID in the email thread, the ticket will get updated with the purchaser’s message and attachment.

*To order an iPad with a data plan, use the Mobile Device & Paging Request form instead.
*For mobile services please inquire with UCLA-Mobile Program